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Full Range

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Full Range last won the day on March 28 2022

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  1. Everything is just fine - no problems at all I check the Kilowatt hours daily via the app
  2. A Cardiff air system or similar Also the traditional Whirlybird roof vent I have both fitted
  3. We have different conditions and needs in Queensland Several years ago I installed a Cardiff Air system for cooling and air circulation It’s basically a very large fan installed in the ceiling, and it draws air in through open windows and then vents through the ceiling cavity and out through the eaves Works great in just about all scenarios except on days with high heat and humidity
  4. See I was correct about the HWS If you have a tax return you could consider a solar HWS And enjoy the savings 🤘
  5. Another lithium / Sulphur breakthrough by Australian researchers at Monash University By adding sugar they have found that it increases life span and longer travel distances on a single charge Full details on the link that is very informative https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2021-09-14/batteries-lithium-sulfur-sugar-future-electric-vehicles/100457492
  6. This news just in PPK Group has announced that they have unlocked the code for creating Lithium Sulphur batteries at a cost affective price News release on this link https://www.ppkgroup.com.au/site/news-media/ppk-group-in-box-seat-with-aussie-breakthrough-that-could-power-the-world
  7. For analytics Go with the one that is easier to use and has what you want to check Some meters are on the unit or in the power box and some have wifi Ask your installer about the inverter features before making a decision
  8. My average use going by my past power bills is 14 kw per day I don’t have advanced power monitoring but can inform you that my power bills have been reduced by 2 thirds I mainly work nights so I consume most of the energy during the day Energy use breakdown Aircon system , 25 yo refrigerator , large 70” TV , washing machine, dishwasher, spa pool heating, and a huge stereo @Marc knows about my HiFi system Please note that I have solar hot water and gas for cooking hence my lower daily power use
  9. These are the 330W panels that were recommended for me so you can compare the specs https://www.trunsunsolar.com/wp-content/uploads/download/au/EN-DUDRIVE-TSHM-120L-AU.pdf And this is the inverter Sungrow is the worlds number one inverter manufacturer https://service.sungrowpower.com.au/files/Web_Files/FAQ/Crystal/Troubleshooting/UM_201803_Crystal G2_SG3K_5K-D Datasheet_V1.0.pdf
  10. Re Solar Hot water Once the sun heats up the water it’s stays hot all night or until it’s used up If you need hot water after that you turn on the power for a top up Re input credit 3 cents is a pittance In QLD ( at time of writing) the lowest feed in price is 6 cents and a high of 16 cents But both of those feed in tariff amounts are offset by back door charges for power , supply , solar meter ect ect
  11. I should also note that hot water systems contribute to a large part of electricity bills I have a solar hot water system on the roof, and have benefited greatly from one for over 25 years I have researched hot water systems use electricity on average $700 to $1000 per annum Solar hot water - depending on how many dark days in the year could be as low as $65 per annum FR
  12. Just check if WA has a restriction on how much you can feed back into the grid In QLD we are restricted to a 5kw inverter And yes one can put more panels on the roof if you wish The latest systems are customisable so you can set them up to give 100% to the grid or use the daylight capture to run the house and only feed back the access You will buy your energy needs from the grid at night unless you have battery storage So even though you only get $40 back in cash from generated power you sell to the grid You save by not buying as much energy as during the day ( that is retail cost savings) The way you save is - wash clothes, dishes , and as many other activities you do during the day and minimise your night time power use
  13. Just last year I replaced an older Solar system with a new one A 6.6 Kw with a Sungrow 5kw inverter Panels used are Trunsun 330W panels, these are shorter than other 330W panel, so fitted my roof better. They are mounted onto Radiant racking (made in Brisbane) and connected to a Sungrow 5k-D inverter with a free wifi dongle. Total cost was $3500 That was on a 35 yo tile roof and the price included the removal and disposal of the old system I’m not sure if that final price included any solar rebate as no mention was made of it
  14. I have the 5kw Sungrow inverter and have no problems at all so far I have also learned recently that if you add a seperate ( I think it’s called ) a Sungrow S100 Energy meter. With this extra meter you can also see via the app the export to the grid amount and many other features over the standard dongle Without the meter you only see your input from the panels to the inverter
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